Artist Trading Card Station

Welcome to Hinton Municipal Library's Artist Trading Card Station!

Artist Trading Cards (ATCs) are believed to be created in 1997 in Switzerland when M. Vänçi Stirnemann hosted the first swap event. An ATC is the same size as any other trading card (think Hockey or Pokémon cards) and you can use any medium or supplies to create them. ATCs just need some firmness to them (so they don't bend or break too easily) and must fit into a plastic card protector. You can find out more about ATCs here!

Our ATC Station has a couple guidelines:

  • Cards must be 3.5 by 2.5 inches (standard trading card size).
  • Cards must be signed with the artist's name and dated on the back of the card. Other information you might wish to include, like town, theme, etc., is up to you.
  • If you wish to take a card, you must trade for a card in its place.
  • You are welcome to donate as many cards as you wish - you are not obligated to take cards when donating.
  • When you donate/trade a card without a protective sleeve please ask the front desk and we will provide one for you.

Drop by the Library to pick up an ATC starter kit to contribute your own cards to our trading station and trade for ATCs created by other artists!